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OCR: Features Of PCNFS Client Software For Windows NT FIGURE 1 Current List PCNFS PCNFS Platforms Supported Vendor Product Version Price Client Server Intel Alpha MIPS PPC Frontier Tech SuperNFS 5.3 $195 x x Frontier Tech SuperTCP Suite (1) $395 x x FTP Software InterDrive NT 2.1 $249 x FTP Software InterDrive Server 1.2 $349 x FTP Software OnNet32 (1) 2.0 $450 Hummingbird NFS Maestro (1) 5.13 $395 x x Hummingbird NFS Maestro Server 5.1.3 $195 X Intergrapht Disk Access (1) 3.0 $325 x x X Intergraph Disk Share 3.0 x X NCD Marathon (1] 5.0 $325 X NetManage ChameleonNFS (1) 5.0 $400 WRO Reflection NFS (1) 6. $199 Xlink Omni-NFS (1) $169 x x (1) These NFS products are part of a suite of TCP/IP applications Continued on next page